Tia Wilks

Tia Wilks

I was born loving mud – making pies from mud, wading creeks with mud squishing between my toes, and finally making my own creations from clay. My love of pottery has a long history. Collecting pottery on trips in the U.S., South America, and Europe were vacation highlights, and opportunities to observe potters at work mesmerized me. One magical day a potter observed my keen interest, and invited me to make a pot; my love of collecting pottery was transformed into a passion for making pottery.

Following my retirement as a store owner, my husband and I were free to move to our property in Balsam Grove. There Sitting Rock Studio was born, named after a special place along our stream where my son built my sitting rock. I find many moments of inspiration there as I listen to the sounds of the forest and immerse myself in its beauty.

Not surprisingly, much of my pottery is inspired by the beauty of the Appalachian forests, rocks, and waterfalls. Texture is a dominant feature in my work. My tools range from the forest flora to vintage lace to the everyday objects that disappear from our home! Earth tones are prevalent in my pottery, but experimentation in many glaze combinations brings me great satisfaction as well. I hold adventurous learning in high regard and it is not uncommon for new designs to appear in my pottery selection.

Making pottery brings me great joy. My hope is that when you hold something I’ve made, you will also feel that joy.

Tia Wilks

Sitting Rock Studio

(219) 508-3880

